Club Vitae Child Admission Policy

  • Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised in the pool by an adult at all times.
  • Children from 0 – 18 years must be accompanied by an adult in the pool, or may be supervised from the viewing area.
  • For safety reasons, and depending on the age and numbers of children in any family or group, more than one adult may be necessary to accompany children in the pool. Club Vitae will advise on this if necessary and your co-operation will be required and appreciated in the interest of everyone’s safety.
  • Any groups / schools using Club Vitae for swimming lessons must provide a minimum of 2 responsible adults – male and female as necessary – to supervise their group during changing, before and after their lessons.
  • Parents/Guardians must remain on the poolside during swim lessons.
  • Supervising adults must be at least 18 years of age, and are responsible for maintaining a constant watch over the child while they are in the pool, and indeed elsewhere in the leisure club.
  • If a supervising adult fails to consistently fulfill his or her responsibilities in relation to supervision and the Child Admission Policy, staff may ask the whole family or group to leave the pool.
  • Armbands should be worn by all children if they are not capable swimmers.
  • Inflatable child seats, jackets or buoyancy aids can sometimes pose a risk rather than act as a safety measure. Children using any of these must be supervised carefully at all times.
  • It is the responsibility of the adult to ensure that swim nappies are worn where appropriate.
  • As there is no family / unisex changing room, children aged 10 or under may be taken by a supervising adult into an opposite-sex (for the child) changing area. As soon as practicable, children should be encouraged to change in their own locker area.
  • Children under 18 years are not permitted to use the sauna, steam room, jacuzzi or gym.
  • Supervising adults must pay heed to and advise children of all safety signage throughout Club Vitae, including signage relating to no running, and no diving in the pool.
  • The use of cameras, camera phones, or recording equipment of any kind is strictly prohibited in Club Vitae.