
Club Vitae Classes

The types of classes we offer include:

  • Spinning, an excellent cardiovascular workout
  • HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training
  • Boxercise- Great exercise and fantastic for releasing some stress
  • Kettlebells, an overall workout that lasts
  • TRX, A great all body workout
  • Aquafit, A fun swimming pool class recommended for all ages
  • Yoga, Great for the body and the mind
  • Pilates, Strengthen your core and improve your balance

Each club tailors classes to their members needs and local market. Clubs differ in their offering and class times, please locate your club here.

Feedback on classes is always appreciated and new classes may always be introduced given enough demand.

Classes & Lessons

Our 13 clubs have purpose built studios where a wide range of classes take place.

Our classes are run with “fitness your way” in mind- we want all people whether beginners or experienced exercisers to be able to come to one of the classes and get a good workout.

Our instructors will ensure that each person is given encouragement to reach their potential.