Workout Nutrition Guide

What your body consumes before a workout is very important. If you’re going to put your body through the paces, then you should fuel it first with proper nutrition. We asked our Club Vitae personal trainers for advice on the best pre and post workout nutrition to consume, (although this may vary depending on what goal you are trying to achieve; build muscle or lose weight).

Gym Nutrition for beginners

The words gym and nutrition can be very daunting for anyone starting out on their fitness journey. Throughout society, thousands of articles and weight controlling diets are advertised daily, explaining the ‘best method’ to get you healthy and why you should follow their diet. Many of these diets are unrealistic and people tend to fall back into their old habits very quickly.

At Club Vitae our personal trainers’ number one advise to any new beginner starting out is to stay consistent. Consistency in training and in nutrition, will outlast any new fad diet.

What to eat before a workout?

With anything in life, people have their different opinions. This is no different when it comes to nutrition, especially surrounding the best nutrition to fuel your body before and after a gym session.

At Club Vitae we understand our members have very busy lifestyles. Our general recommendations may not suit everyone but as a guide we recommend a full meal 1-2 hours before your workout, with a variety of healthy fats, protein and carbs.  If your eaten a meal closer to your workout, choose simpler carbs, some protein and less fats.

What to eat after a workout?

Getting in the right nutrients after exercise can help you rebuild your muscle proteins and glycogen stores that were reduced during your workout. It also helps stimulate the growth of new muscle. Post workout nutrients should include a higher carbohydrate and protein meal then that of your pre workout. Our trainers recommend to consume your post workout meal within the first hour to maximise recovery and boost energy levels.

Workout Nutrition Plan and idea’s

Pre- Workout idea’s

  • Oats and mixed berries.
  • Avocado on brown toast.
  • Spinach omelette.
  • Chicken, rice and vegetables.
  • Fruit smoothies.

Post Workout Idea’s

  • Grilled chicken with roasted vegetables.
  • Salmon with sweet potato.
  • Oatmeal, whey protein, banana and almonds.
  • Greek yogurt, berries and granola.
  • Protein shake and banana.
  • Turkey burger with sweet potato.

For any further assistance surrounding nutrition and training please ask a member of our team today.

Visit our Club Vitae home page and locate your nearest club here.